Benchmark licensing deals

Benchmark licensing deals

Let us provide you with detailed licensing deal financials to strengthen your business negotiations

Access detailed financial licensing deal data

Based on your company’s brief we search our proprietary licensing deals financials database on pre-commercial therapeutic products for licensing deals which can be useful benchmark tools in your market analysis, global or regional deal negotiations, presentations to potential investors, business plan preparations and IPO-discussions with authorities

Our proprietary in-house licensing deal financials database was established in 1996 and since then focuses on licensing deal financials for pre-commercial therapeutic products. Our database solely displays licensing deals for which at least one financial component (potential deal size, upfront, milestones, research funding, profit sharing, royalties, equity) is available. Our database offers information on compound class, compound name, disease area and/or indications covered, development stage at deal closure, licensed territory, year of deal closure and updates since deal closure. We can provide you with a simple customized report with one-page overviews per deal containing the information described above for you to analyze yourself or an extensive custom-made report including our analysis

You can be confident knowing that all data presented from our proprietary licensing deal financials database can be verified

Succes cases

Supported client on Hong Kong stock exchange investigation resulting in Hong Kong stock exchange listing for client. Used by various US and European SME’s successfully in their licensing negotiations and presentations to potential investors

For our benchmark licensing deal reports we request a fixed price

Please contact us if you are interested to learn more about our customized licensing deals benchmark reports